Helmet Safety: How Helmets Save Lives | The True Lyf


Helmet Safety: How Helmets Save Lives | The True Lyf

Life is good. But sometimes, bad things happen.”

The Accident

 “I got hurt in an accident. It was scary and painful.”

I was riding my bike on a sunny afternoon in my hometown. Suddenly, a bike stopped right in front of me. I tried to stop, but my two-wheeler skidded and I fell onto the busy road.

People rushed to help me. They picked me up and took me away from the road. I couldn’t walk properly and I was scared. I called my wife, who came to the hospital with me. The doctor checked me and gave me some medicine and do the primary treatment.

In my blog post, I promised to make one blog everyday but due to this, I can’t write for you in these days. Then I thought in my blog I always motivate you to be better and for your betterment therefore here I want to tell you an important safety information. We know it very well but somewhere we missed it sometimes and avoid it sometimes. As I also missed to wearing it that is Helmet. At that time, I thought I have to go to a near place its about 2 to 3 km and I ignored wearing it. In this accident there were injury in lot of areas but got severally injured in my chin. That’s why I was thinking if I had helmet at that time then probably my face was saved and so as my chin.

 Now I am getting better, doing little exercises, and feeling better.

 It took some time to get better. It was hard, but I did it.”

 I remember when the same thing happened with my father-in-law but he is so sincere and always do the right thing in his life. He reduced the intensity of an accident as he was using helmet always anywhere anytime whenever he drives.

So here I want to tell you to wear helmet and now I understand it’s importance when I met an accident.

How it is so important to wear Helmet at riding:

 Imagine your head is a soft, squishy ball. When you hit your head on something hard, it’s like hitting a ball against a wall. If there’s nothing protecting the ball, it might bounce around and get damaged.

Now, imagine your head is a ball with a hard shell around it. This shell is your helmet. When you hit your head, the shell takes most of the impact, protecting the soft ball inside.

So, wearing a helmet is like wearing a protective shield for your brain. It helps to keep your brain safe from serious injuries if you have an accident.

 So always wear a helmet when you ride and obey other traffic related rules.

I want to help you to stay safe. Please, wear a helmet.

 Let’s share this and spread the word.

 Together, we can make riding safer.

Thank you for being with me. Stay safe!

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